If water is the protagonist, so is the rock in Alange, the crag, the rocky promontory
Alange is stone
If water is the protagonist, so is the rock in Alange, the crag, the rocky promontory that, by the hand of Mother Nature and as a geological phenomenon, appears here and there, from stretch to stretch, almost whimsically, dotting the area with picturesque, curious, and original places full of charm and attraction.
The Stone (“Los Canchos”). The term “cancho” refers to rocky promontories scattered throughout the municipality, creating uncommon landscapes that have become a hallmark or symbol of the town. Among the most characteristic ones are: La Picota, Los Canchos de los Toros, Los Canchos de los Enamorados, La Piedra de la Loba, and La Pata del Buey.
If you stroll through Alange, don't forget to take a souvenir in the form of a photo of one of these peculiar rocky areas.
In this section, we will focus on those with historical, anecdotal content, or those that are more representative.
Information obtained from: Alange: History, Health, and Art by Don Juan de la Vega Fernández
Nuestros mayores son una fuente importantísima de sabiduría. De ahí que la Emisora Municipal y la Oficina de Turismo de Alange hayan decido charlar con nuestros mayores y es que, es que para comprender nuestro presente es fundamental conocer nuestro pasado y qué mejor manera de hacerlo que a través de ellos, de sus vivencias y experiencias.